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Venlafaxine Withdrawal Symptoms

Sep 03, 2024

Venlafaxine is a prescription drug that was FDA-approved in 1993. This antidepressant is an SNRI (serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor), and its capacity to boost serotonin makes it a mood-enhancing drug that has been commonly used to treat depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other mental health conditions. While the drug has been known to be effective, getting off this antidepressant can pose specific challenges. With this in mind, we wanted to share insights about venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms - including what to expect and how to counteract the potentially unsavory consequences of discontinuing the use of venlafaxine.

Understanding Venlafaxine Withdrawal

Venlafaxine helps to balance chemicals in the brain associated with mood regulation. This is an antidepressant that's regularly prescribed to treat depressive disorders, including social anxiety and panic disorders. It works by interacting with mood-lifting chemicals in the brain known as noradrenaline and serotonin and has proven to be an effective drug in managing conditions of depression. 

What is Venlafaxine?

Venlafaxine, as a prescription SNRI antidepressant, helps to balance chemicals in the brain associated with mood regulation. It is commonly used to treat major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.

Why Do Withdrawal Symptoms Occur?

When you're on any substance for a length of time, the body becomes accustomed to its presence. When that substance is removed, the body needs to adjust to its absence. That is what withdrawal is. Knowing this, withdrawal symptoms occur when the body adjusts to the absence of venlafaxine after prolonged use. The brain's chemical balance, previously maintained by the medication, is disrupted, leading to various physical and psychological symptoms.

Common Venlafaxine Withdrawal Symptoms

To help round out our exploration of this drug while discontinuing use, here is a venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms list for further clarification:

Physical Symptoms

Dizziness and Lightheadedness

Dizziness is a frequent withdrawal symptom. It's often accompanied by a feeling of lightheadedness. These symptoms can be unsettling but typically diminish over time..

Nausea and Vomiting

Gastrointestinal distress, including nausea and vomiting, is common. Staying hydrated and eating small, bland meals can help alleviate these symptoms.


Headaches are a common occurrence with discontinuing this antidepressant as the body adjusts to the absence of venlafaxine. Over-the-counter pain relievers and proper hydration can provide relief.

Fatigue and Insomnia

Fatigue and insomnia may also occur when discontinuing venlafaxine. You can help prevent this by establishing a solid sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine.

Psychological Symptoms

Anxiety and Irritability

Increased anxiety and irritability are common psychological withdrawal symptoms. These feelings can be intense but usually subside with time.

Depression and Mood Swings

Venlafaxine withdrawal can cause a resurgence of depressive symptoms and mood swings. Forearmed with this knowledge, it's important to get support from your doctor or a healthcare expert to prevent these symptoms from becoming overwhelming.

Brain Zaps

Many individuals report experiencing "brain zaps" or electric shock sensations in the brain when discontinuing this antidepressant. While these are generally harmless, as you can imagine, brain zaps can be disturbing and contribute to anxiety.

How Long Do Venlafaxine Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

Duration of Symptoms

The duration of venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms is different for everyone. The length of time symptoms last depends on elements such as the duration of using the drug, the dosage amount, and the condition of the individual. That said, research shows there are different stages most people encounter when discontinuing the drug, and these phases are as follows:

Acute Phase

The acute phase of withdrawal typically begins within a few days of reducing or stopping venlafaxine and can last for one to two weeks. During this time, symptoms are usually most intense.

Protracted Withdrawal

In some cases, withdrawal symptoms may persist for several weeks to months. This is known as protracted withdrawal. Symptoms such as mild anxiety, mood swings, and occasional brain zaps may linger but generally diminish over time.

Managing Venlafaxine Withdrawal

Tapering Off

Gradual Reduction

Gradually reducing the dosage of venlafaxine under medical supervision is the most effective way to minimize withdrawal symptoms. This process, known as tapering, allows the brain to more easily and slowly adjust to lower levels of the medication.

Support Systems

Professional Guidance

The importance of consulting with a healthcare provider throughout the withdrawal process cannot be overstated. Medical professionals can give you personalized service and advise you on tapering off the drug in order to avoid the worst of symptoms of venlafaxine withdrawal.

Emotional Support

Seeking support from friends, family, or support groups can give you the emotional comfort you need during withdrawal. There is healing and hope in sharing experiences with others, and this supportive exchange can also help reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety with weaning off venlafaxine.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Healthy Diet and Exercise

Your body needs support when discontinuing this prescription. Make sure it gets all the help and nourishment it requires by following a healthy diet. Additionally, make sure you keep your body moving. A healthy diet and physical activity is known to boost endorphin levels, which can improve mood and reduce anxiety while undergoing withdrawal.

Stress Management Techniques

Try mindfulness and self-awareness practices. Activities like meditation and mindful deep breathing, yoga, or tai chi can help you move through the worst of venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms. Engaging in stress management techniques is an easy, no-cost way to help reduce withdrawal-related anxiety and promote overall well-being.

When to Seek Medical Attention for Venlafaxine Withdrawal

Severe Symptoms

While most withdrawal symptoms are manageable, severe symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, extreme depression, or severe anxiety require immediate medical attention. Contacting a healthcare provider or visiting an emergency room is essential in these cases.

Persistent Symptoms

If withdrawal symptoms persist for an extended period or significantly interfere with daily life - call your healthcare provider. Your health expert should be able to assess your situation and find solutions to reduce withdrawal symptoms.


There's no denying that for some people, venlafaxine withdrawal can be uncomfortable, and it can even upturn daily life routines. But bear in mind that venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms are temporary, and you don't have to go through this situation alone. Ultimately, gradually tapering off the medication under medical supervision is ideal. Additionally, seeking support and making healthy lifestyle adjustments are key strategies for minimizing withdrawal symptoms. Be sure to always keep in contact with your healthcare provider, as they should give you personalized solutions to help you wean off venlafaxine safely and comfortably.

FAQs About Venlafaxine Withdrawal Symptoms

Can I Stop Taking Venlafaxine Cold Turkey?

Stopping venlafaxine abruptly or going "cold turkey" is generally not recommended because it could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. The better option is to consult with your doctor, who can develop a tapering schedule that gradually reduces the dosage.

Are There Any Supplements That Can Help with Withdrawal Symptoms?

Some individuals find that certain supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B complex, and magnesium, may help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.

How Can I Differentiate Between Withdrawal Symptoms and a Relapse of My Original Condition?

Distinguishing between withdrawal symptoms and a relapse of the original condition can be challenging. Withdrawal symptoms often start within a few days of stopping the medication and improve over time, whereas a relapse of the original condition may develop more gradually. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help clarify the cause of symptoms.

Can Exercise Help with Withdrawal Symptoms?

Yes, regular exercise can help manage withdrawal symptoms by boosting endorphin levels, improving mood, and reducing anxiety. Engaging in medium to moderate physical activity can be hugely beneficial during the withdrawal process.

Is It Possible to Experience Withdrawal Symptoms Even After Tapering Off Slowly?

Yes, some individuals may still experience withdrawal symptoms even after tapering off venlafaxine slowly. These symptoms are usually milder and less prolonged than those experienced with abrupt discontinuation.

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