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Depressants Detox San Diego

Our Depressant Detox in San Diego


Prescription drugs, like depressants, can be a very beneficial and valuable medical option for treating people with mental health issues. Although they can be useful, individuals abuse depressants when they are taken without doctors’ orders. When it comes to the detox process, depressants are one of the most dangerous categories of drugs to quit.

This drug category consists of benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium, and it also consists of alcohol. Both of these types of drugs have withdrawal symptoms that can be fatal, and both require medical supervision when a person is attempting to quit them. At Restore Detox Centers, we understand that prescription drug addiction can be a tough road, and we are here to help. To learn more about depressant detox in San Diego, contact us today.


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Restore Detox Centers in San Diego

Restore Detox Centers offers a safe and comfortable environment that is full of love and support, absent of judgement, guilt and shame. Our home is equipped with the latest technology in the industry, best people in the business and a level of luxury not found in other detox facilities.

What is a Depressant?

Depressants are a category of drugs, which lowers neurotransmission levels, meaning they reduce an individual’s arousal to stimuli. In benzodiazepines, this is done so that the individual, who may be experiencing panic attacks, or uncontrollable anxiety, can function within their everyday life. For a person who has panic attacks, their response to stimuli is often heightened to the degree that they can become overwhelmed at the slightest of things. With a depressant, they are able to navigate their daily life without worry or anxiety.

Similar to prescription drugs, alcohol is also considered a depressant because it lowers the neurotransmission levels in the brain. This is why people who drink too much may lose all inhibition and why alcohol is widely considered a social helper.

What is Depressant Detox

The treatment program and detox process of depressants are a little more complicated than other detox processes due to the dangers of depressants’ withdrawal symptoms. Evidence-based treatment and professional medical care must be administered to have a safe and successful detox process.

Both alcohol and benzodiazepines can have fatal withdrawal symptoms, consisting of seizures, severe heart issues, and delirium tremens. If the proper protocol is not followed and proper medical supervision is not given, then an individual attempting to quit these drugs can suffer from one of the symptoms listed above. This is why an individual trying to quit a depressant after a period of dependence should never attempt to do so alone.

At Restore Detox Centers, our trained staff understands the dangers involved with quitting these drugs. They know precisely what you will need in order to safely detox from these drugs, and they also understand that you may have some trepidation when it comes to reaching out for help.

It is never an easy thing to admit that you have a problem. Everything within our society asks us not to acknowledge that we need help, and with addiction, this is doubly true. For one, addiction is a disease that attempts to conceal itself from the outside world and the individual suffering. It will do anything it can in order to keep its true motives hidden so that it can continue to operate at the expense of the individual afflicted.

Two, it is never easy to give up the comfort of addiction. Many people who suffer from addiction, the substances that are destroying them, also are offering a level of comfort that they could not find elsewhere in life. Giving up this comfort of the known for the unknown of recovery can be a truly frightening proposition. Still, at our detox facility, we understand this and seek to help you in any way we possibly can.


Is Depressant Detox Right For Me?

If you are addicted to alcohol or benzodiazepines, then you need to seek professional help to stop using. This is not something that should be left for chance. If you suffer a seizure or deal with one of the other symptoms associated with withdrawal from these drugs while you are alone, the result could be your death.

At Restore Detox Centers, which is located just north of San Diego, we employ the latest in medical and scientific understandings about depressant addiction to make your detox process as comfortable and safe as possible. We believe that every individual should have a chance at recovering from drug abuse, and at Restore Detox Centers, we seek to provide just that.

While reaching out for help is never easy, it truly beats the alternative, and it is the first step in recovery. With everything that we know about addiction today, there is no need for you to continue to suffer in silence, so give yourself a break, and give us a call today. Our addiction treatment center is prepared to do everything in our power to help you achieve both mental and physical health.

Finding the Right Depressants Detox

If you find that you cannot stop using drugs when you want to, or that once you start using, you cannot stop, then you may have a problem with drug addiction. As frightening as it is to admit this to yourself, it is the first step in recovery, and we here at Restore Detox Centers in San Diego, know exactly how you feel. So give us a call today and let us help you on your way to a drug-free life with depressants detox in San Diego.

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